Tribabes Finland Logo

Dream big, chase hard!

TriBabes Finland on triathlonseura, jonka tavoitteena on edistää liikunnan iloa ja riemua kaikenlaisten ihmisten keskuudessa. Sovit hienosti porukkaan mikäli yhteiset, mutta jokaiselle oman tasoiset harjoitukset ja porukassa tekeminen kiinnostavat. Kuluvan vuoden kuviokellujasta tulevaisuuden täysmatkalaiseksi - tai päinvastoin, valinta on sinun!

TriBabes triathlon club was originally established in 2014 in Gold Coast, Australia by Courtney McCarty. The idea behind TriBabes was to allow everyday women of all abilities to get involved in the sport of triathlon in a safe and comfortable environment whilst being surrounded by like-minded women dreaming big and chasing hard! During the years 2018-2021 Hannah Hogan (Australia) was the owner and the head coach of the TriBabes. Since 2021 the ownership of the Tribabes changed to Kati Karinharju and the TriBabes triathlon club runs together with the TriBabes Finland triathlon club, which is an all ability sports club for both women and men.

TriBabes Finland is a triathlon-focused sport club for men and women of all fitness levels. Our aim is to create a community of people who want to challenge themselves on a daily basis and reach goals they thought were impossible! TriBabes Finland mission is to help athletes at any point in their life to improve their overall fitness and complete their activity goals. TriBabes Finland uses a variety of training methods to increase your fitness capacity. TriBabes Finland is a fun, challenging and empowering environment to train in. The slogan of TriBabes is: ”Dream big, chase hard!”

Kati - owner and head coach

Kati Karinharju - owner and head coach